opEN pOSITIONS at Lakeridge Methodist 

Director of Contemporary Worship

LakeRidge Methodist Church is seeking to fill the position of Worship Leader for our Praise service (Director of Contemporary Worship). Application must be completed in full to be considered.

volunteer  opportunities

within the community

We believe God calls us to share the Gospel of Jesus, and that this mission field is as close as our own backyard. LakeRidge Methodist strives to love others into the Kingdom through a number of local missions.

change for children

Change for Children is a ministry providing weekend food bags to middle school students in LISD, Frenship and Lubbock Cooper Schools. We are currently sending home 450 bags each weekend directly through the schools. Teams of volunteers fill these food bags that go home with the students on Friday. These children have been identified by principals, counselors and teachers as possibly not eating from the time they leave school on Friday until they return on Monday.

Prayer Shawls

Our prayer shawls ladies meet in the sanctuary foyer the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 10:00-11:30 am. They knit and crochet prayer shawls that are distributed to those in need of prayer and comfort. For more information about this ministry, or if you would like to join please call the church office at (806) 794-4015.


Church members provide delicious baked/dessert items to share with Heartland House on a monthly basis. Food items can be homemade or purchased but need to be delivered to the church office on the 2nd Thursday of each month by 11:00 AM. If you would like to participate, please complete our volunteer sign-up sheet at the bottom of this page.


Church members sew heart-shaped pillows that are given to heart surgery patients in local hospitals. This group meets once a month to put together the pillows. No sewing skills necessary and all are welcome. Each month 40 pillows are taken to the Heart Hospital and 80 to Covenant Hospitals. For more information about this ministry, or if you would like to join please call the church office at (806) 794-4015.
If you have any questions regarding how to get involved in the community contact our church office 806-794-4015. 

volunteer  opportunities

within the church

Serving within LakeRidge Methodist is a vital component in the church’s mission of connecting generations with Jesus to impact our world. Whether they’re the first face visitors see when they walk through the doors, singing in the choir, or behind the scenes, our volunteers, and inner-church ministries are the heart of LakeRidge Methodist Church


Offering door-to-door service, this team engages with churchgoers each Sunday morning – offering golf cart transportation to and from your car. Sign up for one of three shifts of volunteers each week, starting at 8:55 AM and finishing up at 11:45 AM.


This team not only works to ensure our church can meet and worship safely each week, but also offers assistance should an emergency arise. Whether it is severe weather, fire, sudden illness, or a missing loved one, this team strives to make the LakeRidge Methodist worship experience a pleasant and safe one.


Be a part of this fun festive team as we join together to decorate our church for the holidays! Whether it be for Christmas or Easter, we welcome everyone of all ages!


The LakeRidge Methodist ushers welcome attendees at each door of the sanctuary and activity center for worship service. Additionally, this team assists with several aspects of service, including offering, communion, and seating.


Greeters are often the first friendly, accepting face visitors experience at LakeRidge Methodist Church. Those with the gift of hospitality can easily put it to use by welcoming visitors and members each Sunday morning. Beyond being stationed at the church’s main entrances, there is also a need for Welcome Center hosts to make visitors feel right at home and point them in the right direction.


Be a part of this friendly team that prepares and serves meals on Wednesday evenings from 5:00-6:15 PM. There are a variety of duties needed each week, including banker, cleanup, décor, dishwasher, errands, setup, server, teardown, and backup/sub. Volunteers are encouraged to assist as their schedules allow; various volunteers are engaged from 1-6:45 PM each Wednesday.


As little as one hour of your time each week can be a tremendous service to our church. LakeRidge Methodist staff always appreciates a volunteer’s helping hand in assisting with mailings, answering phones, and other administrative duties.

Volunteer sign up form

Please fill out the form below and let us know how you would like to serve. Check all areas of interest. If you have any questions you can contact us here, or contact our Hospitality Director Rita Ritter at (806)794-4015. 
Fill out my online form.