children's ministry

To help children know and experience God through the loving message of Jesus' word from the Bible. Our goal is to plant
seeds of faith that will carry them  them through their adult years.

sunday school

No matter what age, we have the perfect place for your child to learn and grow in the Lord on Sunday mornings. Click the button below to see all of our available Sunday School classes!


• February 16 - Vertical Praise sings during all three services & it is Lakeridge’s Birthday

special events

• Blessing of the Backpacks and Promotion Sunday – Worship and prayer is centered around the children and educators as they prepare to begin a new school year. Children are promoted to their new age groups for Sunday School.
• Trunk or Treat – 
LakeRidge Methodist Church  fills our parking lot with trunks full of candy for this community wide event. A night filled with music, bounce houses, hot dogs, and fellowship.
• Parents’ Night Out - 
an opportunity for parents to enjoy some time together while their children play at the church. During PNO, the children will enjoy free play in the gym, crafts, games, snack time, and a movie. Typically held once a month in the fall.
• Family Easter Celebration – Church families are invited to enjoy fellowship, a free pancake dinner, and interactive activities. This is typically held the Wednesday before Easter.
• Super Summer Get Your Sillies Out Kids Camp – A three day camp at the beginning of summer for 2 to 5 year old children. The week is filled with crafts, playground fun, bounce houses, and games.
• Summer Movie Nights – Families gather to watch a family friendly movie, eat hot dogs, and other movie snacks in fellowship together. This is typically held once a month during Summer.
Summer Camp – LakeRidge Methodist Church attends camp at Sacramento Camp in Sacramento, NM.

Information for these activities will be in the Sunday bulletins, on the website, social media, and in flyers around the church. For more information, please contact Twyla Polasek, Director of Children’s Ministries, via email or at (806) 794-4015 ext 552.


Providing leadership opportunities for our children is an important part of the LakeRidge Methodist Church children’s department. As we strive to have a multi generational church service,  kindergarten - 5th graders are given the opportunity  to recite the prayer in the Sanctuary at the 9:15 and 10:30 services on the third Sunday of every month. We rotate children throughout the year in this position.  

Vertical Praise 

A time for kids to come together and learn to worship though modern praise music. The children will perform several times in the Sanctuary and LakeRidge Praise throughout the school year. For children in Kindergarten through 5th Grade.
  • Meets Wednesday evening from 6:00pm - 6:30pm, September - May.


We have many opportunities to serve with in the children’s ministry, including the following:
• Sunday Preschool – ages 3yr and 4yr olds once
    a month
• Rotational Sunday School – Kinder-3rd grade once a      
• Ridge45 – Sunday School for 4th-5th grade once  a  
• Greeters for Children Area
• Special Event Help
• Sunday School Set Up
• Organizational Help
• Vertical Praise
For more information, contact Twyla Polasek,  Director of Children’s Ministries, by email or at (806) 794-4015 ext 552.


A Free Gift for every family in our church! Enjoy safe and entertaining kids’ shows on RightNow Media for free! As our gift to you, you now have access to hundreds of videos for your family.

Scripture Prayers to Pray Over Children