2025/26 Registration Information

Registration Process

1. ONLINE REGISTRATION: Submit your time-stamped registration to secure your child’s enrollment. Link will be provided here when registration opens on Feb. 10th at 9:30am for current families/church members and on Feb. 11th at 9:30 am for new families.

2. Submit Online Payment to secure your child’s spot. You will be directed to this page after submitting your online registration.

3. After completing payment submission, you will be directed to a page, and receive a confirmation email with links to additional Google Doc Forms needed to complete admission.

4. Your child’s spot will not be guaranteed until the Google Doc Form is complete and the Registration Fee is paid in full. If payment and all forms are not submitted within three days of your initial online registration, your child’s online registration will be released and the spot will be given to the next person on the waiting list.

2025/26 Registration dates.

February 10th, 9:30 am, current families and church members. Closing at noon 2/20/25
February 11th, 9:30 am, new families.
2025/26 Registration Information Sheet
Children's Day Out Online Registration
Form available February 10th and 11th, 9:30am
PreK/Kindergarten Online Registration
Form available February 10th and 11th, 9:30am
Physician Statement and Immunization Record can be faxed to (806) 698-5729.

LittleRidge General Information

 LittleRidge Calendar
Children's Day Out Handbook
Preschool & Kindergarten Handbook
Hours of Operation
Monday, Wednesday and Friday              9:00 – Noon
Tuesday & Thursday                                      9:00 – Noon
T/Th Extended Day                                 Noon - 2:45

LittleRidge Virtual Tour

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to enroll my baby before they are born?
  • We highly recommend registering your baby during the registration dates. The Baby Butterfly Class fills quickly! It is not unusual for the class to have all 6 spots filled with babies that have not yet been born.

Do I need to pay for my baby during the months before they are old enough to attend (3 months)?
  • Yes, we are committed to paying the teachers in that class. Babies may begin attending once they are three months old.

Can I request a teacher for my child?
  • I will take suggestions into consideration, but there is no way to accommodate all of the requests for children to be placed with specific teachers and best friends! Please know that much prayer and consideration goes into the placement process! We are beyond blessed with our staff of teachers…they are all fantastic!

When must my child be potty-trained to attend LittleRidge?
  • Children enrolled in 3’s, 4’s and Kindergarten must be fully potty-trained and independent in their toileting needs. Children must be able to get in and out of their clothes independently when going to the bathroom. Remember “function over fashion” when selecting preschool clothes. Children must be able to wipe and clean themselves.

Should I buy school supplies for my child?
  • LittleRidge purchases all school supplies in bulk to get exactly what is needed for each class and to secure the best prices available.

Do I need to send snacks for my child?
  • LittleRidge provides a daily snack for all students. If your child has dietary restrictions or food allergies, you will need to meet with your child’s teacher prior to the first day of attendance.

Do I send a lunch?
  • Yes, if your child is attending the afternoon sessions, you will need to pack a lunch for them. The children love having a lunchbox and a lunch packed by mom & dad! Nothing is sweeter than seeing children open their lunchbox and seeing the contents lovingly prepared by their parents!

What if I am late to school or need to pick up early?
  • Please enter through the main office where the receptionist will assist you. Teachers have been instructed not to leave their classroom, so please do not call or text them to meet you. This request stresses the teachers, so please do not put them in this situation.

For more information about LakeRidge LittleRidge,  email Director Laurie McKee, or call 806-698-5710.       Fax Number: (806) 698-5729.